Our Framework

All of our methods of execution are Harvested through our fertile framework. The key elements of Healing Centered Organizations™ help us produce effective cultural change.

Healing is both personal and collective. The process of healing begins with naming, understanding, and prioritizing ourselves. We begin the work of healing through the Rupture, Repair, Restore, and Reconnect Framework©

People focused

Our Framework

Healing Centered Organizations© focus on addressing harm and trauma and creating conditions for healing within an organizational context. They acknowledge that harm can occur through interpersonal interactions and systemic structures, and they aim to transform the root causes of harm, rather than simply addressing the symptoms. They recognize that the strength of an organization lies in its individuals. Here’s a breakdown of the Healing Centered Organizations© mentioned:


This refers to a fracture, breach, or disconnect in a relationship or trust that leads to harm. Recognizing the rupture is the first step in the healing process.


Take ownership for the misconnection by openly acknowledging that a mistake was made. They work on repairing the relationship and addressing the underlying dynamics that created the conditions for harm to occur in the first place. This may involve accountability, restorative practices, and creating spaces for dialogue and understanding.


Restoration involves addressing and healing the losses that resulted from the harm. It aims to restore what was taken away or damaged by the harmful actions or systems. This could involve providing support, resources, or opportunities for affected individuals or groups to regain what was lost.


This step focuses on turning to ourselves and each other to create healing spaces, foster new relationships, and reimagine ways of relating. It involves building connections based on trust, empathy, and respect. By fostering a sense of belonging and safety, this creates environments that promote healing, growth, and transformation.


This refers to a fracture, breach, or disconnect in a relationship or trust that leads to harm. Recognizing the rupture is the first step in the healing process.


Oppression and various forms of marginalization dehumanize individuals and communities. To counter this, it's essential to address the root causes of harm by reforming policies, procedures, and organizational culture. This effort should involve fostering accountability, implementing restorative practices, and creating spaces for dialogue and understanding, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society.


This involves a reimagining of restoration without going back to what was. The Focus here is to remove any harmful structures and restore them with more supportive actions or systems. Creating policies, practices, procedures, communities, and relationships that restore our humanity.


This step focuses on turning to ourselves and each other to create healing spaces, foster new relationships, and reimagine ways of relating. It involves building connections based on trust, empathy, and respect. By fostering a sense of belonging and safety, this creates environments that promote healing, growth, and transformation.

The benefits of

Healing centered organizations

Healing centered organizations

Adopting the Healing Centered Organizations™ framework can create a culture that values well-being and results in a more inclusive, equitable, and thriving organizational environment.

Recognition of harm

The framework addresses sources of harm within an organization, such as racial oppression and symbolic violence, by naming and identifying them.

Accountability & repair

Healing Centered organizations take responsibility for any harm that may’ve been caused, acknowledge their mistakes, and commit to repairing any damage. They use restorative practices, engage in dialogue, and prioritize learning to repair cultures and rebuild trust.

Restoration of our collective humanity

Organizations that prioritize Healing Centered practices aim to dismantle harmful structures and promote cultural restoration with dignity. Their approach is focused on reimagining, rebuilding, supporting, and healing cultures.

healing spaces & connection

Healing Centered Organizations prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment that encourages empathy, trust, and respect. By building connections and promoting relational healing, they cultivate a sense of belonging, empowerment, and collective resilience.

HOPE idea (1)

Here’s where we review our discoveries, explore new ideas, and plan our way forward. In this phase of ideation, we discuss topics like:

Now that we’ve explored our new learnings, what does this mean? Why does it matter? Here’s where we dive deeper into how this can influence our:

HOPE Heart
HOPE Hands

Now, of course we don’t do all this planning & creative discovery just to feel good and check off a box. It’s time to put in the work. Here we implement ways to:

Learn our

Ways of execution

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